LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Troubled by belief system
I read with interest the Sept. 5 edition of The Carillon’s story about the newly hired executive director of Eastman Tourism. The story, written by The Carillon’s Chris Gareau, talks about Arlene Davidson and her new position and also about her bizarre belief system.
I am president of the Midwinter Heritage Association. In order to promote the museum that I volunteer for, I need to relate to someone who has both feet on the ground and not have their head in the clouds. I have trouble with the idea of needing to have a serious conversation with her, as I know her strange controversial beliefs will shine through in every conversation.
Ms. Davidson reads newspapers such as Druthers, that she and other strange minded people are handing out. I picked up a paper the other day that was stuck inside our town’s Little Free Library, and my husband and I spent an hour in mixed disbelief and humour that people could actually believe something so ludicrous. One headline in big black letters announces: “The Mainstream Worldview Is A Mass-Produced Artificial Psychosis” The front page of Druthers Magazine announces “17 Million Excess Deaths Associated with COVID -19 Vaccines!” It says a study has been done by researchers. Ya right! What researchers?!? I am positive that this is all made up malarkey! It’s a scare tactic and only the very gullible and simple-minded people would believe this.
The idea of this sort of propaganda being pushed is disgusting. Scare tactics don’t work for me. I am a proud Canadian, who is proud of our Canadian government.