Shandi Strong

Shandi Strong

Party Liberal

Constituency Fort Garry

About Shandi Strong

When were you born?

Between 1946 and 1965 (Baby Boomer)

Tell our readers a bit about your professional life. What do you do for a living? If you're an incumbent candidate, what did you do before you entered politics?

Since I first ran in the 2016 Provincial election I have remained active in politics working as the constituency assistant to Dr. Jon Gerrard, MLA for River Heights, who has held the seat for 24 years, and is one of the most respected political figures in the country. Our job is to help people. For my part it is very rewarding and the experience I have has not only made me a better advocate for those who need help, but a better and stronger person. I also worked alongside MLA Cindy Lamoureaux, and leader Dougald Lamont, both of whom have my complete respect and admiration.

Outside of work I sit on the boards of a non-profit health clinic and a group determined to build tiny home communities for the homeless in Manitoba.

What's the highest level of education you've attained?

High-school diploma

How long have you lived in the constituency? If you don't currently live there, what led you to run there instead of where you live?

I have lived in Fort Garry for just over 8 years, my wife has lived here for over 30.

What is the biggest challenge facing your constituency, and how would you address it?

Manitoba is currently facing many crises, in healthcare, education, and the environment, but the issues that affect me most at the moment are poverty and homelessness.

My tiny home communities project aside, I am very proud of our party's platform as it relates to helping people living in poverty and/or experiencing homelessness. Making sure people are sheltered, connected with services, and have a basic income level in order to live with dignity makes life better for everyone.

How a society treats it's most vulnerable is a reflection of that society, and for too long past governments have treated the impoverished as "disposable". They are human beings with human rights to shelter and food, and we must all be a part of the village that it takes to help them.

If elected, what will be your first priority?

Homelessness. Fort Garry has several individuals and pockets of people living rough on the streets. For much of my life as a parent, manager, community leader and activist, I have wanted to make a difference.

When I stepped into a role as a 2SLGBTTQ+ community activist I began to realize that in spite of the good work and awareness being raised by advocates and community groups, change seemed slow. And now those hard fought for values and rights are yet again under attack. In my role at work I all too often see the injustices forced upon people who are disabled, live with mental health struggles, live in poverty, are homeless, or often a combination of these factors.

Seniors, and sadly seniors in personal care homes, are faced with systems and services that are woefully inadequate for their needs, and this became even more apparent during the pandemic. I cannot sit by and let these injustices continue to happen.

Who are your role models in politics, and why?

Dr. Jon Gerrard. He has been the MLA for River Heights for over 24 years. When I used to think of politicians, like many people I had a fairly negative opinion in general. He changed all that. Over the years he has become more than just a boss or mentor. He has shown me time and again that we do what we do because we care. We listen and help people with issues. In my role working side by side with Jon we advocate for people who need help. We have helped save lives, raise awareness for injustices and made real differences in many lives for people who have faced so many difficulties. It is so very rewarding. And I am compelled to take it a step further as an MLA to not only make a difference, but to set an example. I can't think of anyone more worthy of respect than he.

Cindy Lamoreux MLA for Tyndall Park working with her has been wonderful. She too is smart, caring, compassionate and driven. As a young woman in politics, she too is inspirational.

Dougald Lamont MLA for St. Boniface and Leader of the Manitoba Liberals. When Dougald first joined our caucus times were changing and he has brought to us a leadership style that is collaborative and thoughtful. He is an incredibly intelligent and compassionate man, and throughout these past years, I know that not only does he have my back, but he has the back of all Manitobans.

Tell us something about yourself that voters might find surprising.

I was once very withdrawn and had a pretty solid wall between myself and most people. Since those days, I have become pretty extroverted and adventurous. I love to play guitar on stage and have skydived twice.

But within all of that I have a strong sense of empathy, and it comes from the challenges and experiences throughout my life and I always do my best to look at situations from other peoples' perspectives, put myself in their shoes, so that I can listen and help more effectively.

Other candidates in constituency:

Mark Wasyliw (New Democratic Party)

Rick Shone (Progressive Conservative)

Aaron Kowal (Green)

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