COLUMN: On Parliament Hill – Serious times call for serious leaders


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In last week’s article, I emphasized the importance of heeding advice when it comes from multiple sources. This week, a similar principle applies: when many people share a consistent perception or experience of you, it probably mirrors how you are perceived by others.

This week yet another former Trudeau minister has gone public stating their experience of Trudeau, an unprepared leader. A man who didn’t listen and cared far more about the politics of a policy than its impact on Canadians.

Canada’s first astronaut, Marc Garneau served in Trudeau’s Cabinet for six years, first as Minister of Transport and later as Minister of Foreign Affairs (one of five to hold that important post during the Trudeau years).

Garneau describes Trudeau as “an ill-prepared leader who prioritizes politics and makes big pronouncements without any follow-through.” A leader who does not prioritize international relations because he “isn’t very good” at them.

One need look no further than Trudeau’s disastrous India trip of 2018 where he insulted his hosts consistently—including having a terrorist who tried to murder an Indian Cabinet Minister in his entourage.

There was also the China Trip where Trudeau (in full Trudeau mode) lectured his hosts on a variety of subjects and assumed he could get a trade deal. China showed him the door and they have been playing him like a political violin every since.

Garneau notes that when meeting foreign leaders Trudeau does not understand who he is meeting, does no research or advance work and assumes he will be able to “allure them” with personality and celebrity.

After nine years of diplomatic mismanagement, needless to say the bloom is long since off the rose. Like Canadians, the world now sees Trudeau for what he is.

Garneau states Canada has lost its standing in the world as a result of Trudeau being ill-prepared and disinterested.

At a time when the world is facing a sharp increase in complex global challenges, Canada needs a serious leader on the word stage. A leader with Stephen Harper’s toughness and principled leadership, Jean Chretien’s pragmatism and ability to get things done, or Brian Mulroney’s ability to build and use his relationships. Trudeau possesses none of these skills and the world knows it.

Garneau is hardly the first minister to raise serious concerns about the Prime Minister.

Former Finance Minister Bill Morneau painted an almost identical picture of Trudeau; more interested in the symbolic than any substantive policy.

Both men also raised the concern that Trudeau never met with nor did he listen to advice from Cabinet. Both detailed a single one-on-one meeting with the PM in all their years in Cabinet—in Morneau’s case it was the day he resigned.

Likewise, former Attorney General and Justice Minister Jody Wilson Raybould recounts an identical experience, adding Trudeau’s coldness and how easily he loses his temper when he doesn’t get his way.

All discuss his absolute reliance on an ever shrinking group of gate-keeping staffers within the PMO (Prime Minister’s Office). Nobody gets in and Trudeau doesn’t come out.

This has been born out in recent days by his refusal to meet with cabinet or caucus in the wake of his disastrous election defeat in Toronto.

Morneau called out Trudeau’s lack of understanding or interest in the economy. Garneau his lack of interest or ability in foreign relations. Wilson-Raybould his amoral approach to law (in short that he, Trudeau, is above it). These critiques raise two important points.

If he isn’t interested in the economy, the world, or the law, why on earth did he ever become (and why is he still) Prime Minister?

After nine years of this Prime Minister our economy is uncertain, we have lost credibility on the world stage and our laws appear to be nothing more than empty words on paper.

It’s time for a change.

These are serious times and Canadians need a serious leader.

A leader and a government who will fix what Justin Trudeau has broken at home and abroad.

Pierre Poilievre and Canada’s Conservatives are ready to accept that challenge.

We are listening to Canadians and the change they are crying out for.

We will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, stop the crime, and restore Canada’s place in the world.

We will fix what Justin Trudeau has broken.

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