LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The pain of general tariffs
We are entering into a new era of trade war. The American empire is in decline without a doubt and the world knows it. Part of the strong denial is a bully attitude, trying to throw your weight around by hurting your friendly neighbours in an attempt extract financial gain to help the rich buddies {the one percent} to fill their pockets as the general public sinks into deeper poverty.
America cannot bully its way back to the top to be the big brother of the world. The sooner we can grasp that reality the better chance we have to find our footing in a changed world. No matter how often and how loud the Americans call upon (God to bless America) it will not change the course of the decline. A bunch of other historical empires have proven this to be true.
We only have to look at G7 nations and their populations and compare it to the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), nations and their partners who keep growing at a high speed. Very unlikely that America could ever bring them to their knees. Plundering Canada and Mexico is not going to help either. It is very foolish to alienate friends and partners when you are already on a losing streak. You are not just losing your good neighbours but a big portion of the good American people who understand what it means to love your neighbour in a broader sense. All that we can do, is to encourage Americans to face that reality of decline and brace themselves for a future America that will have to deal with a corrupted capitalist system where the rich get richer and the middle class slowly disappears, and the poor get poorer. I am certain the super rich billionaires do not want the general public to know any thing about the French Revolution. To prevent that from happening, the system will have to be revised to bring more equality into the mix.
We as Canadians are not totally helpless either. We will feel the pain that comes along with this battle.