Southeast Event Centre to form legacy team
As the countdown to occupancy of the Southeast Event Centre continues, volunteers are being recruited prior to the March opening date.
The volunteer initiative launched Thursday will result in a “dynamic and passionate group” that will play a pivotal role “in building a vibrant and inclusive community while creating a lasting legacy in our city” according to the SEC press release.
Those who answer the call will be part of the first group to contribute to the new facility.

Jolene Kornelsen, events and operations manager, heads up the team, a task she’s familiar with since she also heads up the volunteer team at Princess Auto Stadium.
She said it’s an opportunity to be a part of something special.
“This is your chance to contribute to exciting events while making lasting memories and connections,” she said. “Enoy the satisfaction of giving back to the community, gain valuable experience and develop new skills in a vibrant environment.
Volunteer shifts range from three to six hours depending on the event and Kornelsen said they’re looking for at least 60 volunteers, though the volunteer pool can be larger.
“We plan on having tons of events going on,” she said.
Though volunteers will fill roles including ushering, ticket scanning, parking crew and greeters, they can indicate where they’d like to be placed.
“If they really like concerts and that’s what they want to help out with, that’s awesome,” she said.
Volunteers can also have a regular spot, ushering in the same section for every Pistons’ game for example.
“If you always want the exact same spot, than I do ask that you try to sign up for all the Pisons’ games then,” she said.
Kornelsen said volunteers can enjoy being part of the atmosphere, creating new friendships, and feeling a part of something.
Monthly coffee dates and games nights are held with volunteers as well.
“We just really try to keep our volunteers engaged and getting to know each other and creating friendships, just having a place to be and hang out,” she said. “It’s going to be an exciting experience.”
A dedicated core of Pistons’ volunteers already exists, and Kornelsen hopes to add to their ranks.
To join the SEC Legacy Team or for more information, email Jolene at