COLUMN: Report from the Legislature – Farmers deserve our thanks


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They say you should thank a farmer three times a day.

After celebrating the 140th Springfield Country Fair this past weekend, I believe our Manitoba farmers deserve a million thanks and more.

Every day, our farmers work hard to put food on the table for you, for me, and for our neighbours around the world. They don’t just work from sunup ‘til sundown, they work until the job gets done.

Nowhere is our appreciation for all their hard work, and the agricultural roots of our province, more evident than at the Springfield Country Fair.

Since its humble beginnings in 1883, the fair has been celebrating country life and bringing together our community and fellow Manitobans of all ages. The Springfield Agricultural Society continues to do an incredible job highlighting the importance of agriculture through fun and games, and passing down some of Manitoba’s finest traditions from one generation to the next.

Organizing the fair, one of the longest-running in Canada, is no easy task. Our community’s greatest strength lies in our people, and it’s the tireless efforts and talents of society volunteers who have ensured the fair has not only survived but thrived year after year.

Please join me in congratulating the Springfield Country Fair on their milestone. Here’s to 140 years of history and many more to come! In a world becoming more and more disconnected from the source of our food, it’s important now more than ever to get involved and help keep our farming heritage and traditions alive.

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Class of 2024. Your journeys have been long, and this summer is also a time of celebration before stepping forward into your next adventure. Whether you plan to take up a trade, head to university, jump into the workforce, plow the fields, or travel the world, I wish good health and the very best success in whatever the future holds for you.

As you enjoy your summer, remember to take a breath and recognize all the people who supported you through your challenges and triumphs. Just as our community is proud and appreciative of our farmers, we are all proud and appreciative of the young men and women you have become. Each of you has something unique to offer our great province and you are all integral to the future success of Manitoba.

The work I value most is serving you and your family as your MLA for Springfield-Ritchot. I welcome any questions or comments by email to or by mail to Box 150, Oakbank, MB, R0E 1J0.

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